Monday, September 1, 2008


Zach has decided he wants to be a fish. We went swimming today and I thought I'd share some pics. (This is Ashley posting on their blog again btw :))

Gettin' used to the water.

Practicing the back float.

Another fish-face pic. (Notice Brian's new shorts)

Havin' fun w/ dad (Notice Brian's muscles)

The whole fam
Also, if anyone gets a chance to go swimming with Brian, have him show you his sweet swimmin' moves. He can now do a flip turn and beat both Celina and I in a freestyle race.

Thanks for swimmin' with us guys! We had fun as always!


Jolene said...

That Zach is so cute with his fish face!! Looks like you guys had some fun!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Zach looks so much like his daddy. What a cute family you have.

Kelli and Craig said...

Hey Melody! Great to hear from you! What a cute little family you have!!!

THE NOMADS said...

Swimming sounds so fun! LUV the cute face. If Tristan ever sees me go to your blog, he recognizes it and makes me let him watch the little video of Zac laughing. It happened today, I sure don't mind though, its so funny. Fuz & Michelle have been married about a year now, but you can probably see their blog on my page now. We're still missing you.

fuz&michelle said...

I love that fish face :) I'm so glad you saw my blog, I've wondered where you disappeared to! It's good to hear from you. I heard a rumor that you got married but never knew details! Can you believe Fuz and I FINALLY got married! Sometimes it feels like its been forever (in a good way)

Andra said...

Love the fish face!! Brian how many gold medals did you get this year with your new swimming awesomeness?? PS-Brian doesn't have muscles, he has GUNS!!!

*Ashley said...

I love Andra's comments! They kill me!

Brooke and Brian said...

He looks just like you Brian! What a cute little baby.

Robyn Hollobaugh said...

Come on Smells!! Just waiting for another precious post.